Welcome to PatientReaction.com, the medical social network where patients and caregivers go to share their medical experiences. The PatientReaction platform is not a self diagnosis or symptom checker site, it is, where one goes to tell their medical journey. Your story should include when you were first diagnosed up until your last treatment date and beyond. You see, you could survive your illness yet be totally shocked at the medical bill you receive once your care is completed. By sharing your medical experiences, both patients and caregivers will become more informed and thus empowered. Patient/caregiver empowerment is vital in helping obtain a good medical outcome.
Users of the platform will be able to blog, post their reactions(essentially a shortened blog) to the care they have received or are currently receiving and it is through such engagement that you will become empowered. Keep in mind however that this platform is not a substitute for professional medical advice from your physician.
I think that we would all agree that it is vital to make sure, once diagnosed with a particular condition that you obtain the best medical care available. Has does one guarantee that? How does one know for sure who the best doctors, the greatest of all time(GOATS) are? Remember, with medical error as the third leading cause of death in the United States, it only makes perfect sense that we seek out the best doctors to care for us. One of, if not he best way to obtain an appointment with a GOAT is to learn from those patients/caregivers that went before you and were able to obtain an appointment and did well. I know that we would all agree that it is impossible for all doctors to be of equal talent. Just for a minute think of the team/department that you are a part of at work, teams that your friends/children are on, is everyone equally talented? Clearly, the answer is no. Understanding this, it is essential that we as patients(we will all be a patient someday) or caregivers for patients take a key role in the care plan. Taking an active role in your care so that you can make a full recovery means you need the knowledge that others can provide that went before you so that you can become empowered.
As you navigate your medical crisis with the assistance of the PatientReaction platform, you will also obtain emotional support while we build a community of patients with your same exact condition. It is a mystery to me why patients know more about the operation of their cell phone than the doctors who are performing risky surgery and caring for them. It just doesn't make any sense. It is illogical. This platform will enable patients/caregivers to see where others treated and obtained a stellar medical outcome. It is critical that we know who these doctors are and the facilities that they work at so that all of us have the ability to be treated by one of the GOATS.