PatientReaction, Concierge Care in America

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In America, approximately 1-2.5% of united states citizens are enrolled in a concierge care program.

So few Americans are enrolled in concierge care(enhanced care) due to the high cost which could tack on thousands of dollars per year for each family members health care. As a result, most times only the wealthiest of Americans can afford concierge care where doctors provide this extended personalized care which is very beneficial to obtaining a good health outcome. The rest of us have to use our insurance to obtain the care we need. As a result, we have to choose a primary care physician(PCP) that is part of a healthcare system.

Here we go again. This is where we as patients. or the caregivers that care for such patients start to loose control. We have to rely on the system, a system where 80% of doctors are NOT self employed-bad for us patients. How you may ask? When doctors are employees they refer you to other doctors that are part of their system. Common sense dictates that no one system can house all the GOATS(greatest of all time) so as a result, you may not get the most talented doctor to care for you for rarely will you be referred out of the system your care originated in.

Considering that medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States, shouldn't we make sure that we have a GOAT treating us? For us middle class folks that cannot afford concierge care finding a goat is not impossible for we now have PatientReaction. Here on this platform medical experiences are shared so that we as patients/caregivers can become more informed.

Patient empowerment can now result and more informed medical decisions(in collaboration with your PCP) can occur. This can only lead to better treatment outcomes.


By: PatientReaction

September 10th, 2024